5 ~ "Van rend, azaz halhatatlanság. Hogy órarendszerünket személyes szándék húzta föl." ~ "... a Teremtő trónusához száguldhat a tekintet."

  5 "Tíz mondatban az olvasó elé helyezzük azt a legalább tízezer bölcseleti műből fölterebélyesedett elméletet, a mind a...


"And amen, I say unto you: Those men are I, and I am they." "On this account have I said unto you aforetime: "Ye will sit on your thrones right and on my left in my kingdom and will rule with me."

 "But now then hearken that I may discourse with you progressively concerning the gnosis of that mystery."


"A szépségről mondtam le akkor érted
Milyen nehéz volt, nem is tudhatod,
Milyen keserves, kínlódni a kényszert,
Azt a szabálytalan vonzásu alakot.
Nem tudhattad, mennyire megaláz
Az, ami mágneses áramkörébe köt:

A hevenyészett homlokzat mögött
Az a szeszélyes épitésü váz,
A csontok kitekert, vad geometriája
És fönt az a nagy, zöld varázs,
Villámló kivilágitás,
Az a szertelen akarat,
Mely minden arányt megtagad
S a vonalakat szétzilálja

S ki akkor bűnös voltam a szépségálmu gőgben,
Most, mire a hiányba már boldogan beletörődtem,
A teljességet kivirulni látom!
Milyen könyörtelen Mester ez, milyen dekadens,
Ki szépséget a romlásból teremt,
Milyen kaján törvényü Fátum?
Igy lett ez az álnok görög arány,
Mely a szerelem hajnalt játszó alkonyán
A szenvedésből született meg,
Ez a látszólag egyszerű,
Csupán egy ismeretlenű
S mégse megoldható egyenlet -
S mindegy, hogy végül érted-e,
Az is mindegy, hogy kérted-e:

Ugysincs más útja már a kegyelemnek."
( Vas István, Elsőfokú egyenlet )


"Evil is an integral part of the cosmos, collaborating in its evolution, finally to be absorbed and transfigured by the Good. The great feature of Manicheism is that it studies the function of Evil and of suffering in the world. (...) The function of an ideal in life is like that of steam in an engine. Steam comprises in a small area a vast expanse of 'condensed space hence its tremendous power of expansion. The magic power of thought is of the same nature. Let us then rise to the thought of the ideal of humanity as a whole, guided by the thread of its evolution through the epochs of time." ( Rudolf Steiner, An esoteric cosmology, II. The mission of manicheism, 11 )  


"A törvény pedig közbejött, hogy megnövekedjék a vétek. De ahol megnövekedett a bűn, ott még bőségesebben kiáradt a kegyelem; hogy amiképpen úrrá lett a bűn a halál által, úgy uralkodjék a kegyelem is az igazsággal az örök életre Jézus Krisztus, a mi Urunk által." ( Róm 5,20-21 )  

νόμος δὲ παρεισῆλθεν ἵνα πλεονάσῃ τὸ παράπτωμα · οὗ δὲ ἐπλεόνασεν ἡ ἁμαρτία, ὑπερεπερίσσευσεν ἡ χάρις, ἵνα ὥσπερ ἐβασίλευσεν ἡ ἁμαρτία ἐν τῷ θανάτῳ, οὕτως καὶ ἡ χάρις βασιλεύσῃ διὰ δικαιοσύνης εἰς ζωὴν αἰώνιον διὰ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν.


"And amen, I say unto you: That man will at the dissolution of the world be king over all he orders of the Inheritance of the Light. And he who shall receive that mystery of the Ineffable which I am, that mystery knoweth why the darkness hath arisen and why the light hath arisen."

And that mystery knoweth why the darkness of the darknesses hath arisen and why the light of the lights hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the chaos hath arisen and why the treasury of the light hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the judgments have arisen and why the light-land and the region of the inheritances of the light have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the chastisements of the sinners have arisen and why the rest of the kingdom of the light hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the sinners have arisen and why the inheritances of the light have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the impious have arisen and why the good have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the chastisements and judgments have arisen and why all the emanations of the light have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the sins have arisen and why the baptisms and the mysteries of the light have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the fire of chastisement hath arisen and why the seals of he light, so that the fire should not harm them, have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why wrath hath arisen and why peace hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why slander hath arisen and why songs of the light have arisen."
And that mystery knoweth why the prayers of the light have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why cursing hath arisen and why blessing hath arisor."
"And that mystery knoweth why knavery hath arisen and why deceit hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the slaying hath arisen and why the quickening of the souls hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why adultery and fornication have arisen and why purity hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why intercourse hath arisen and why continence hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why insolence and boasting have arisen and why humbleness and meekness have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why tears have arisen and why laughter hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why slander hath arisen and why good report hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why appreciation hath arisen and why disdain of men hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why murmuring hath arisen and why innocence and humbleness have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why sin hath arisen and why purity hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why strength hath arisen and why weakness hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why motion of body hath arisen and why its utility hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why poverty hath arisen and whby wealth hath arisen.
"And that mystery knoweth why the freedom of the world hath arisen and why slave bath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why death hath arisen and why life hath arisen."
"That mystery of the Ineffable knoweth why unmercifulness hath arisen and why mercifulness hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why ruin hath arisen and why everlasting eternity hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the reptiles have arisen and why they will be destroyed."
"And that mystery knoweth why the wild beasts have arisen and why they will be destroyed."
"And that mystery knoweth why the cattle have arisen and why the birds have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the mountains have arisen and why the precious stones therein have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the matter of gold hath arisen and wby the matter of silver hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the matter of copper hath arisen and why the matter of iron and of stone hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the matter of load hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the matter of glass hath arisen and why the matter of Wax hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why herbs, that is the vegetables, have arisen and why all matters have arisen."
"And the mystery knoweth why the waters of the earth and all things in them have arisen and why also the earth hath arisen.""And that mystery knoweth wby the seas and the waters have arisen and why the wild beasts in the seas have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the matter of the world hath arisen and why it [the world] will be utterly destroyed."
"That mystery knoweth why the west hath arisen and why the east hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the south hath arisen and why the north hath arisen."
"Yet further, O my disciples, hearken and continue to be sober and hearken to the total gnosis of the mystery of the Ineffable."
"That mystery knoweth vwhy the demons have arisen and why mankind hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the heat hath arisen and why the pleasant air hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the stars have arisen and why the clouds have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the earth became deep and why the water came thereon."
"And that mystery knoweth why the earth became dry and why the water came thereon."
"And that mystery knoweth why famine hath arisen and why superfluity hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the hoar-frost hath arisen and why the healthful dew hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the dust hath arisen and why the delightsome freshness hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the hail hath arisen and why the pleasant snow hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the west wind hath arisen and why the east wind hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the fire of the height hath arisen and why the wates have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the east wind hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the south wind hath arisen and why the north wind hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth 1 why the stars of the heaven and the disks of the light-givers have arisen and why the firmament with all its veils hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the rulers of the spheres have arisen and why the sphere with all its regions hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the rulers of the aeons have arisen and why the aeons with their veils have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the tyrant rulers of the aeons have arisen and why the rulers who have repented have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the servitors have arisen and why the decans have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the angels have arisen and why the archangels have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the lords have arisen and why the gods have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the jealousy in the height hath arisen and why concord hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why hate hath arisen and why love hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why discord hath arisen and why concord hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why avarice hath arisen and why renunciation of all hath arisen and love of possessions hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why love of the belly hath arisen and why satiety hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the paired have arisen and why the unpaired have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why impiety hath arisen and why fear of God hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the light-givers have arisen and why the sparks have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the thrice-powerful have arisen and why the invisibles have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the fore-fathers have arisen and why the purities have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the great self-willed hath arisen and why his faithful have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the great triple-powerful hath arisen and why the great invisible forefather hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the thirteenth aeon hath arisen and why the region of those of the Midst hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why receivers of the Midst have arisen and why the virgins of the light have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the ministers of the Midst have arisen and why the angels of the Midst have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the light-land hath arisen and why the great recejver of the light hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the guards of the region of the Right have arisen and why the leaders of them have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the gate of life hath arisen and why Sabaoth, the Good, hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the region of the Right hath arisen and why the light-land, which is the treasury of the light, hath arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the emanations of the light have arisen and why the twelve saviours have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the three gates of the treasury of the light have ariseu and why the nine guards have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the twin-saviours have arisen and why the three Amens have arisen."
"And that mystery knoweth why the five Trees have arisen and why the seven Amens have arisen."
"And that mystery knowetth why the Mixture which existeth not, hath arisen and why it is purified." ( Pistis Sophia, Chapter 91-93 )


"És ez a rejtély tudja..."



















 "Ki az első rejtély?"




























"A halál semmit sem örököl. Hiszen hogyan örökölhetnénk mi, akik halottak vagyunk, bármit is?" ( Fülöp evangéliuma, A teljes Nag Hammadi gnosztikus könyvtár, 157 )



"And amen, I say unto you: Those men are I, and I am they."
"On this account have I said unto you aforetime: "Ye will sit on your thrones right and on my left in my kingdom and will rule with me."


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